Saturday, September 1, 2012

By the way...

I'm a "dump-and-throw" cook. (I get that from my mother.)" Does it smell ok? Alrighty then, throw it in the pot." Mostly, it turns out ok.

I hate to measure. (I don't get that from my mother.) Some of my quilts are a little crooked. Are they warm? Ok then, what's the problem? Same goes for cooking. A little too much cardamom? Well, add another potato and let's call it good. If you are looking for precise recipes, you won't find them here.

I have a problem with inertia. I need a project in progress all the time. I usually have several in motion. I also work for a big company, travel extensively, ski, play the cello, quilt, knit and lots of other things.

I'm married to the most patient man on the planet. He also always has a project or two in the works. He snowboards, plays the flute, teaches martial arts and is working on a book.

We have a cat. A tiger, really. He's a great, big Maine Coon with a huge personality and the biggest tail we've ever seen.

We live in a small, rural town, not too far from a lot of things we like to do.

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